Small Groups
Wednesday Bible Study meet 6:15pm 1st and 3rd in the church.
Thursday Bible Study meet 9am each Thursday in the church.
Our Prayer group meet 8:45am every Wednesday in the church.
Coffee with the Vicar: 10am, 4th Friday of each month we meet at Cafe XS
Our youth meet 2nd and 4th Saturday every month 4pm -6pm
Christian Meditation more information coming soon.
Angels in Action encourages young people to be involved at church and to equip them as Christians in the world. It is a program that encourages confidence and intergenerational relationships. Read through the booklet (found at the back of the church) to see what certificates are available. You can choose to do any certificate you like, in any order. Let your mentor know what you are doing and ask them to sign your task page. Some certificates have extra things for SENIOR ANGELS. Do these things if you are older or if it’s an easier one for you.
ANGELS IN ACTION will receive/be presented with their certificates at church. There are 17 options so YOU can choose the areas where you want to be an angel!
Let Reverend Nicole know you want to be a young Angel in Action
Read through the ANGELS IN ACTION booklet and select the first few you are interested in. Tell your parents/mentor what you are doing and let’s get started! Tell Rev Nicole what certificate you’re working towards
All certificates can be adapted and individualized to fit each child. It is always good to discuss with a parent/mentor/Rev. Nicole/ Angel in Action Co-Ordinator how we might do this.