Pastoral Services

BaptismsWeddings Blessings Funerals


Baptism is a simple ceremony of washing in water, practiced by Christians since the time of Jesus. It is a sign of turning to God, and of faith in Jesus Christ. It is also a sign that Jesus gave us to show his love for us.

Baptism also reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is a sign that every sin is forgiven and that we are precious to God. It is like a re-birth. It gives us new life. It makes it possible to start again.

The very fact that you are interested in having your child baptised shows that you recognise the importance of God in your life. For centuries children too young to answer for themselves have been baptised. The Church recognises the desire of Christian parents to share the life of Christ with their children.

Christening”, from the ancient word “christen”, mean “to make Christian”. Jesus Christ, like you, wants the best for your child.

The Church welcomes you and your child into its midst with love and prayers for the future peace and happiness of your family in the years ahead.

When should a child be baptised?

Baptism is a sacrament for anyone, of any age. Mostly children are baptised as babies or when they are young.

On the other hand, baptism can be sought and given any time.

How much does baptism cost?

Nothing. There is no charge for baptism, but it is customary for a thanksgiving offering to be made to the church.

Who may be Godparents?

Godparents are members of the church who have themselves been baptised. A godparent should be someone likely to remain in close touch with the child and family during formative years; a person to admire and emulate and who will pray for and encourage the person being baptized in practicing and growing their faith.

In the Anglican Church it is usual to have three godparents: two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex. To have one godfather and one godmother is sufficient; to have more than three is possible; but quality is better than quantity.

When does the Baptism generally take place?

The Anglican Church encourages parishes to celebrate baptisms during the main Sunday service, which is often a service of Holy Communion. This enables members of the parish family to share in the welcoming of your baby into the life of the church and it also gives them the opportunity to renew their baptismal promises.

However it is possible to arrange for the baptism to take place at any time which suits both you and the Parish Priest

To arrange a baptism please contact us.


Saint Gabriel’s is the perfect place for weddings. Our building, with its light, open design, surrounded by beautiful grounds makes for a perfect setting.

The Anglican Church’s wedding services are beautifully worded, and at St Gabriel’s they are conducted with a deep respect for God and the people getting married.

Planning the Service

We know that planning a wedding is a huge undertaking, no matter how big or small. In the midst of booking venues for the service and reception, negotiating the guest list, meeting with caterers, finding the right photographer and trying on suits and dresses, one thing that can often get overlooked is the service itself.

Rev Nicole can help you plan a service that reflects you and your partner’s dreams, vision and values.

One of the tools we have to help you begin is two versions of services offered in A Prayer Book for Australia. Most couples choose version two with its contemporary language and imagery. Either service can be adapted to suit particular needs and wishes where possible.

Other things to think about for the service include readings and music, and who you would like to participate.  These are key ways to personalise even the most traditional service.

This is your day and we are here to help you along the way.

To arrange a wedding or for more information please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Blessings are a way of honouring significant life events such as: at the birth of a child, naming ceremonies, wedding anniversaries, new home, life’s journeys, beginnings, and endings.


”I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25

As well as journeying with you through the exciting times in your life, we also share in your grief.

The death of a loved one is a time both for sorrow and for thanksgiving. A Christian funeral commends the departed into the loving care of God, provides a structure for giving thanks for the person’s life and gifts, for hearing again the Christian conviction of God's love for us in this life and the next, and for saying our last goodbyes.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The parish undercroft is available for hire along with catering if refreshments after the service are required.