Our Parish

What Happens at Holy Communion

At Holy Communion or Eucharist, the Parish comes together as a congregation to worship. As you enter the church, you notice a peaceful atmosphere of reverence as thoughts turn to Christ.

A sidesperson welcomes you and hands you the pew bulletin. You take your seat wherever you feel comfortable. Most Anglicans do not talk in church before a service but use this time for personal meditation and devotions.

The service commences with a hymn. Then, all that we are asked to do, whether it be to stand or to kneel to pray, to say or sing a reply together or to approach the altar, is guided by the priest. The service is projected on to a screen.

Whenever you attend a service at St Gabriel’s, Carindale, you will be warmly welcomed and assisted, but you will never be singled out. Indeed, if you wish, you can come and just sit and enjoy the beautiful, meditative, ordered dignity of the service.

About Us

We have approximately 120 families and individuals on the parish roll. The size of the congregation at Sunday morning worship averages from 55 to 65 communicants. Numbers at Wednesday morning worship cater to the needs of six to ten communicants. The congregation consists of a range of people: those who have been part of and worshipped at St Gabriel’s for more than 40 years, as well as more recent worshippers who have joined from other parishes or moved into the area.

Our People

Our congregation is faithful, warm, friendly, caring, and welcoming. There is a strong sense of family, belonging and community. We provide support and comfort to those in need, friendship and prayerfulness.
We have a committed group of volunteers:
Lay Ministry: Liturgical Assistants, JAM volunteers, Intercessors, Readers, Servers.
Worship Assistance: Sides-persons, Welcomers, PowerPoint creators and operators, Church Cleaners.
Other: Driver/Pickups, Grounds people, Administration – pew bulletins, rosters, blue card records, Fundraising activities.